We were lucky enough to be at said fanceh tea party, and in addition to Snapchatting the shit out of everything there, we also decided to use our time with the boys wisely.
As we were saying before we were interrupted, we decided to use our time wisely - and find out once and for all which member of One Direction is the most romantic.
After all, it's important for you to have all the facts considering you've committed to loving them for the rest of your life.
So how did we go about testing the romance levels of Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam? By pitting them against each other in an ultimate quiz based around all things lurrrrrve of course.
Here's what went down:
Mr Harry Styles, you're up first, pal. Sum up the plot of The Notebook for us in two sentences.
Ok, The Notebook. It's the ultimate love story. Of an unbreakable bond. Beautifully done, Nicholas Sparks. (2 points - one for each sentence).Great, perfect. When was the last time you bought someone flowers?
Ummmmm [thinks] I bought my mum some flowers the other day, actually. (0 points - flowers for parents don't count in this quiz. It's about ROMANCE)You're a good son. Now tell us - what's the cheesiest love song on your iPod?
[instantly] 'Wicked game', Chris Isaak.Not sure we know that one Harold.
Whaaaat? [genuinely shocked] You'll know it. You'll definitely know it.Is it cheesy?
No, but if you.. if you're like on a date or something, and then it starts playing - it's the right kind of tune. If you've purposely put it on it might be a bit like 'woah'. (1 point)OK we're going to give you a point for that. What's the most amount of candles you've ever lit at any one time?
Single wick or multiple wick? Do multiple wicks count as one candle? Is it per candle or per wick?Let's say per wick.
Per wick. Wow. This is getting cricket score level. I'm going to say about ten. Oh no... maybe twenty.Jesus.
Yeah I don't like to go too far – otherwise it edges away from romantic and towards sacrificial. There is such a thing as too many candles y'know. (20 points - one per candle. Or wick.)Yes we're a bit scared you're going to burn your house down. Next question - complete the famous romantic quote from Notting Hill: 'I'm just a girl...'
[instantly] 'Standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her' [every girl around the table lets out involuntary sort of 'ahhh' sound] Should I have been so quick on that? I mean, yeah, I only watch Fight Club [coughs]. (1 point)Nothing wrong with loving a bit of Hugh Grant, Harry. OK so what's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
I've told this story before, but when I was at school I did this big picnic thing in the park for my girlfriend at the time, and then when I called her to come out she wouldn't. She was like 'oh I'm in my pyjamas'. And she never knew. (1 point)That story literally pains us. Finally, can you give us your best swoon face?
Well no, but it's beautiful anyway so we'll give you five points.
Liam James Payne, are you ready? We just want to warn you that Harry did very well at this, not to pressure you or anything.
Pffff - it's hard for them to be the most romantic when they haven't got girlfriends, isn't it? So I'm not really sure how they're going to win this one to be honest.We'll see. Try this one first - can you describe The Notebook to us in just two sentences?
Oh no, I've never watched it!Have a guess.
I actually don't know anything about it. OK let me try - if I heard the title 'The Notebook', I would think… there's a notebook written, and someone's taking down notes about their girlfriend every day so they remember everything. 'Cause that is a difficult task, remembering stuff. And then slowly he unveils all and she's like, 'oh so you were listening to me'. That happens every day with me - Sophia [Smith - Liam's girlfriend] will be like, 'you're not listening' and I'll have to repeat back what she just said to prove that I was [grins]. (1 point - for effort)Well that's not the plot, but actually it could almost be a film.
I'll credit that for a film. I once heard someone's proposal was that sort of thing, and he'd written letters for her every day and I was like 'damn I wish I'd had that idea'.When was the last time you bought someone flowers?
Errrm. The other day – it was my PA's mum's birthday and I sent some flowers because I couldn't be there. (1 point - not romantic but very thoughtful)Tell us Liam, what's the cheesiest song on your iPod?
It's probably Stevie Wonder. You know [sings] 'I just called….', that one. That guy. (4 points - super cheesy)How many candles have you set alight at any one time, then?
My girlfriend's big into candles. I'd probably say 3 or 4, but we get those massive ones, so they're a bit more interesting – do you know what I mean? The ones that make you think 'how long will this thing last. How long have I got this guy for?' - that kind.So you're going for size over quantity?
Well no we have two little ones in front too, you know how it is. (6 points - 1 per candle and 2 extra for the big 'un)Now we'd like you to complete this quote from Notting Hill, please: "I'm just a girl...."
....'so make sure you love me' [laughs]. I haven't got a clue. I haven't watched Notting Hill since I was younger. What did I watch the other day that was good though? Oh – Pretty Woman. It's so good. (1 point - for the Pretty Woman thing)Close enough, we'll give you a point. So what's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
WELL, I've got some dogs that I don't Instagram or anything – I've got a big Great Dane and another little one, they're called Watson and Ralph. So the Christmas before last I bought Soph a car because she'd just passed her test, and last year I was like 'Jesus Christ, what do I do this Christmas that out-does a car?' She wanted a dog, so I put a picture of Ralph in a card saying 'Will you be my Mummy', and when she opened it she was like, 'ahhh do I get the dog'? and I was like 'yeah it's coming in a bit'. Then I pretended to go to the kitchen and get a drink, and I came in with the puppy and it was it the best thing ever.That was a great story, kudos to you for having secret dogs.
Thanks. Although now what the fffff do I get her next year?Yeah, you've set the bar high. Maybe a kitten?
No, she's not a cat lover. I was going to get one and call it Sherlock, because we've got Watson the dog, but she wasn't keen. And yet when I said the other day 'shall we get a tarantula' she was like 'yeah sure'. (10 points - because it involves an actual puppy and we love puppies more than almost anything).Well Sherlock the tarantula has a certain ring to it. Finally, can you give us your best swoon face?
Oh sure. I really put my heart in to that, can you tell. (7 points - great swoonin')
Nialler, are you ready? Harry and Liam got off to a very strong start.
Let's do it.OK - can you describe The Notebook for us in two sentences?
I've only ever seen the end of it to be honest – they grow old together and then die together. Oh and they go around in a boat. Ryan Gosling wears a good hat.HE DOES. Actually it's quite similar to your already iconic hat. We haven't seen that around for a while, is it doing OK?
The hat hasn't gone down very well. But I'm trying to change that. I get a lot of stick for it, but I like it - and yeah, it's like Ryan Gosling's so there. (2 points - he got the general gist of the plot. There is indeed a boat. And a hat.)When was the last time you bought someone flowers, Niall?
Erm – probably me mum's birthday in January – that's not very romantic is it? (no. 0 points)Tell us about the cheesiest love song on your iPod.
What's classed as cheesy these days, I don't know? Probably like.... [thinks for AGES]. What is cheesy? You can't really say what's cheesy [thinks a bit more]. Probably Seal 'Kiss from a Rose'. (2 points)It's a goodie. So how many candles have you lit at any one time?
Oh I'm a big candle man. My fave brand is Diptyque [leans in to mike] DIPTYQUE. So I always have like [counts under breath] one… two... one in the kitchen if I've had a curry… Maybe like five or six?Double or single wick?
Single wick. Only. Diptyque. (8 points - per candle and 2 extra for the curry thing because it made us laugh)Diptyque, got it. Can you complete this famous quote from Notting Hill? "I'm just a girl..."?
[sings] I NEED NO SYMPATHY. I have no idea. Did the others get that?Harry did, yes.
He's such a geek. (5 points - because he sang and it was lovely)Right, to finish things off, can you give us your best swoon face please?
My what? I'll just do this.(10 points - THAT EYEBROW).
Hiya Luigi - you ready for this? Can you tell us what The Notebook is about please?
Ohhhh I've only seen it once. The Notebook… Ryan Gosling. Errr... Ryan Gosling. That was two sentences wasn't it? (yeah, it'll do. 2 points)And when was the last time you bought someone flowers?
Errr… when was Mother's Day? March? So then, but my mum's birthday's also in March so a double whammy that month. (0 points. Sorry.)What about your iPod - what's the cheesiest love song on there?
Oh I'll have em all. I've got them all. (5 points - that sounds promising)How many candles have you set ablaze at one specific point in time?
Ooh I don't mind a candle, but normally I only like one. Like a big un, a nice one. This is a crazy question. Maybe four or five I'm gonna say.Diptyque?
What?It's a brand of candle – Niall's a fan.
Oh right sorry yeah – I'm not that up to date on me candles. Just whatever's there. I'm not doing very well at this am I? (5 points - 1 per candle)Oh Louis no, not really. Let's see if you do any better with this one - can you finish this Notting Hill quote: "I'm just a girl..."?
Oh no I can't, sorry! I'm doing terrible here. I thought I was quite romantic as well and I'm doing awful.It's fine, you're skilled in other areas. What's the most romantic thing you've ever done?
So once with one of my ex girlfriends I made my back garden into a winter wonderland for Christmas, with like fake snow and stuff. See that's just put me back at the top of the chain! Right? (10 points - because it's actually very romantic)Not quite, but it definitely helped. Now, can you give us your best swoon face?
Swoon face? I'm actually going to go stereotypical just to make sure I lose this game. (3 points - may not be 'swoony', but it's classic Louis.)
AND THAT'S YOUR LOT. Oh we feel like we learnt a lot. Liam has secret dogs, Harry loves a double wick, Niall wants Diptyque to send him a load of their candles and Louis is all about the songs of lurrrve.
Now for the moment of truth - because we've totted up all the scores, and the most romantic member of One Direction is....
*drum roll please* HARRY EDWARD STYLES. *blows party horn* Here's the band's overall scores, if you're in to stats:
- Harry: 30 points
- Liam: 29 points
- Niall: 27 points
- Louis: 25 points