As Greece Rebels, the Notion of Debt Forgiveness Returns

Europe’s most powerful policy makers dismiss the idea, investors fear it, and it would almost certainly face fierce resistance from within the Continent’s richer countries.

Yet talk of slashing the government debt loads of European countries, starting with Greece, is back. For all the opposition, the idea has resurfaced with a vengeance in recent days as the new government in Athens, facing a cash squeeze and aiming to make life easier for its citizens, looks for immediate ways to reduce what it owes. The pressure on Greece increased on Wednesday when the European Central Bank cut off direct funding to Greek banks, forcing them to rely instead on emergency loans from the country’s own central bank. The move followed a meeting in Frankfurt between Mario Draghi, the central bank’s president, and Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s new finance minister, and appeared to signal a hard line in negotiations over debt. The E.C.B.’s announcement roiled markets in the United States late in the trading day.

At the heart of Greece’s problems is its eye-popping government debt load, equivalent to 175 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. Now, as Greece’s nightmare grinds on, some economists fear that high debt levels could hamper recoveries in other countries. That is why they are pressing for policies that would alleviate the debts of other European nations, to help get the region out of its rut.

“Greece is more acute, but it is not as completely different as it is portrayed,” said Kenneth Rogoff, an economics professor at Harvard. The economies of Spain, Portugal and Ireland, he added, might benefit from such “haircuts” to their obligations. Podemos, a Spanish political party that has surged in popularity in recent months, wants to restructure the country’s government debt to make it less of a burden.
Still, debt forgiveness remains an explosive issue. Through the rolling crises of the last six years, measures that would grant relief to borrowers have stoked outrage like few others. “How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor’s mortgage?” asked Rick Santelli, a presenter on CNBC, in a proclamation in 2009 that went viral and is thought to have helped swell the ranks of the Tea Party.

A similar point of view is currently held in Northern European countries as Greece seeks concessions again.
“The Greeks have the right to elect who they want,” Hans-Peter Friedrich, deputy chief of the Christian Democrats caucus in the German Parliament, told Bild, the German newspaper, last month. “We have the right to no longer be obligated to finance Greek debts.”

But with Europe grappling with staggeringly high unemployment and stubbornly low growth, showing some mercy on debt may yet gain ground.

Writing down debt can in theory provide relief to a struggling country. It allows governments to spend less money servicing their obligations, freeing up funds for more stimulus spending. It may also bolster overall confidence in a nation, laying the groundwork for more investment. Greece’s government obligations remained high even after the bailout in 2012 that slashed the country’s obligations by 100 billion euros. And even though the economies of Ireland and Portugal have recovered somewhat, the government debt loads in both countries still exceed 120 percent of gross domestic product.

Given that it is difficult to grow out of debt burdens of that magnitude, some economists assert that it actually makes economic sense to forgive obligations. They point to Latin American countries, which enjoyed substantial forgiveness on their obligations after their debt crisis in the 1980s.
“That made a decisive difference in relieving uncertainty,” Mr. Rogoff said, “and it helped lay the foundations for healthy growth in Latin America.”

Opponents of debt forgiveness in Europe say that making big concessions might reduce the pressure on countries that need to overhaul their laws and work practices to become more competitive. But the debt write-downs enjoyed by Brazil and Mexico did not appear to undermine their desire to enact far-reaching changes in their economies in the following years.

Still, debt forgiveness could open a Pandora’s box of negative and unpredictable forces.
Nervousness gripped the markets in the lead-up to Greece’s 2012 bailout, and the same could happen again, just when the European Central Bank is trying to fuel growth with an ambitious new bond-buying program. Some analysts therefore caution that any benefits of forgiving debt need to be contrasted with any pain such a pardon might cause.

“I don’t think one can reject this argument,” said Guntram B. Wolff of Bruegel, a think tank in Brussels, “but the question is whether it is possible to change that debt burden without doing more damage than good.”
Writing down government debts, or stretching out when they need to repaid, causes losses for the institutions and individuals that hold the securities. Banks hold billions of euros in government bonds and, to make sure the banks remain stable, money would need to be found to replenish the big losses that the banks would suffer. Richer countries would have to agree to provide such funds. Taxpayers there may object, adding support to political parties that oppose much of what the European Union stands for and wants to achieve. Greece owes much of its debt to other countries or international institutions backed by other countries.
Investors may also shun a country that inflicts losses on holders of its bonds, causing borrowing costs for that nation to stay high for years afterward. Bonnie Baha, a portfolio manager at DoubleLine, an investment firm, said that concerns about write-downs was one reason she had shunned Europe’s government bonds. If Greece gets a new deal, she said, other countries might then seek the same concessions.
“Why wouldn’t Portugal show up hat in hand?” she said, “That’s certainly a fear that we have.”
If a chain reaction were to occur, it might head to Italy. And even most proponents of debt write-downs concede that Italy’s debt is too big to restructure without devastating side effects.

Still, supporters of debt forgiveness are pressing on. They say that less disruptive ways can be found to reduce indebtedness. One approach is to link what a country owes to the rate of growth of its economy. The aim would be to keep the debt burden manageable when the economy is sluggish, and allow it to rise only when growth has returned. Another innovation would be to allow a troubled country to effectively pool its obligations with those of more creditworthy European nations.

And some specialists say that current circumstances in Europe could lend themselves to debt deals. In the cases of Greece and Portugal, a big proportion of their debt is held by other European governments, or entities backed by other governments. As a result, a relatively small number of parties in the so-called official sector is all that would be needed to agree to any debt reduction.

“The official sector can square the circle,” said Mitu Gulati, a law professor at Duke. “It has to take the brunt of any reduction.”