8 Places in America Where You Can’t Fly Your Drone

8 Places in America Where You Can’t Fly Your Drone

Monday’s news of a small quad-copter drone crashing onto the White House lawn has done well to inform the previously unaware that flying drones near the President of the United States’ home is clearly not allowed.
Some other places in the United States where hobbyist droning is forbidden:

1. All of Washington, D.C.The nation’s capital is a permanent no-fly zone. Plain and simple.


2. AirportsThe FAA instituted a ban of drones within five miles of airports in June 2014.

3. Stadiums
If it can hold 30,000 or more, drones are not welcome within one mile.

4. Alaska, Montana, and Colorado … if you’re using your drone for huntingThese states see using a drone as cheating in “fair chase” hunting.

5. Near military basesSeems like a good idea.

 6. Anywhere in Florida … if you’re a copPolice officers are not permitted to fly drones in Florida. Sorry!

7. National parks
You’ll have to find some other way to get a unique picture of Old Faithful’s majesty.

8. Maybe soon: The entire city of New YorkA bill proposed in December 2014 wants to make the Big Apple drone-free.