Miley Cyrus Goes The Extra Yard For Shock And Awe


Since leaving Disney, Miley Cyrus has made it her life goal to be as shocking as possible. For the most part, she has succeeded. She has managed to make Lady Gaga look tame and Katy Perry look like a Sesame Street act in comparison to her stunts.
People were beginning to be desensitized to her. Nearly naked? Seen it. Oh, she’s twerking again while nearly naked? Seen it too. She’s doing weird things with normally lovable items like teddy bears? Seen it. Well, now she has truly broken the glass ceiling in terms of shock and awe. At a concert, Miley was fellating a blow-up doll. There was also a giant inflatable penis that she rode and she made out with.
Now this isn’t her strangest stunt — riding a giant hotdog while flipping people off is certainly more strange, but this is definitely more shocking.
Honestly, while I’m not surprised, the biggest question is how is she going to top that? The concert she was at was called G-A-Y. It seems most people see her stunt as being appropriate. Really? Just because the event is called G-A-Y, that makes it okay? Let’s not forget her line on how to turn someone gay:
“Everyone’s gay. All it takes is one cocktail. And if that doesn’t work, sprinkle something in their drink. That’s what I always do.”
There aren’t enough words about how wrong that is. Robin Thicke had a huge firestorm over “Blurred Lines” and now Miley is advocating spiked drinks for sex? Even if what she said was a complete lie, jokes like that are nearly impossible to pull off for people who are actually funny — let alone Cyrus, who was doing it simply to be “edgy.”
This makes Jamie Foxx look like a prophet. For those who don’t remember, he made a comment about Cyrus when she was still with Disney, joking that she’ll soon be in a sex tape at the rate she’s going. He had to take the comments back because, at the time, that would be something that Miley would never do. It’s amazing the difference a few years makes.