Upending Expectations About the Hottest Handbag Brands

Gsues what It-bag brands get talked about most online: Hermès? What fools these mortals be! Balenciaga? Not really.
Turns out, in data compiled from over 200 million English-speaking blogs/chat rooms/media outlets and so on, the hottest brands of the moment are … Ralph Lauren, Fendi, Louis Vuitton and Michael Kors.
Not only that, but the least hot brands are … wait for it … Hermès, Marc Jacobs and Kate Spade.
Surprised? I was too. So I called up the people responsible for the shocker, a.k.a. the “Online Brand Momentum Index- Handbags”: that bastion of fashion trend-predicting, Credit Suisse.
The bank, it turns out, has teamed up with an online analytics firm called NetBase to develop a tool within the fashion big-data game, the better to be able to advise clients about what brands may or may not find consumer favor in months to come, presumably so that clients can then better play the stock movement game.
They’ve been compiling data for the last 27 months, but this is the first time they have released the results. As to why:
Over the last few seasons, “We have seen significant disruption in overall brand performance, with Coach down and Michael Kors and Kate Spade up,” said Christian Buss, a Credit Suisse equity analyst, director in the apparel, footwear and accessories sector, and the man in charge of the report. Mr. Buss & Company want to not only understand why, but to predict when such changes may occur again.
“But identifying changes in consumer preference is the most challenging thing for a financial analyst to do,” he said. “We can see the changes when they happen, but seeing them in advance has been the subject of a lot of mediocre research: analysts trooping off to a mall outside New York or San Francisco, or polling a few hundred people.
“Look,” he continued, “the reality is I am a balding, middle-aged guy who does not have credibility when it comes to calling fashion trends.”
Numbers, however … well. Check out this chart!
Credit Credit Suisse
The analytics look at not only brand mentions, but intensity of feeling among chatters (“love” for a bag, for example, gets weighted more than “like”), as well as negative chat — which is where things get interesting. Indeed, there are a number of findings here that sent red flags up, in my head at least.
For example, Hermès, a.k.a. the brand most often considered the handbag ideal, leads the negative chart, with 22 percent of comments on the down side (by contrast, Fendi has only 7 percent negative comments), as well as a shrinking share of the online discussion, down 8 percent.
Credit Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse postulates that this has to do with the brand’s desire for exclusivity, and hence nonencouragement of general online chat, although the report goes on to note, “this strategy could prove risky long term in an ever-expanding, youth-driven digital world.” Hermès had no comment.
Meanwhile Louis Vuitton, the bags that have become derided as being the poster children for the problem of ubiquity, and a company that has reported less-than-exponential growth recently, proved to be No. 2 in the luxury growth momentum category, suggesting it still has a secure foothold in the consumer imagination and may be about to turn the corner.
Indeed, the Credit Suisse report says Vuitton is “consistently the most overall dominant brand with the greatest average index over a 2-year period. It ranks 1st in volume, 2nd in our June 2014 index and 3rd in Y/Y growth (up 124% Y/Y), an impressive growth rate for such a mature online company. The terms “gorgeous,” “best,” and “love” represent 36% of consumer behavior online.”
Meanwhile, Gucci, in a similar is-it-too-everywhere? situation, also comes in as No. 2 in momentum from January to June this year.
Credit Credit Suisse
Then there’s Calvin Klein, which frankly is not generally thought of as a hot handbag brand, but which, Credit Suisse says, “has seen accelerated growth, up 129% since January 2014 and up 166% Y/Y. Calvin Klein handbags generate the lowest volume of all the brands we studied, but volume has also improved, up 521% since January 2014, suggesting that the improved product line is resonating with consumers.”
Credit Credit Suisse
By contrast, Marc Jacobs, which is supposed to be readying itself for a much-ballyhooed maybe-possible I.P.O.,"has experienced the most online sentiment momentum decline, down 14% since January 2014”; its “online reach” is down 27 percent. Oops. (The company did not respond to my emails.)
Still, we won’t know whether the data is actually going to translate into an equivalent sales profile for another six to nine months, which is what Mr. Buss said was the general lag time between consumer chat and action.
And certainly it is unclear whether the people who chat about the bags and write about the bags are actually the people who buy the bags (there are no “chatter” profiles included with the report). Arguably, when it comes to Hermès, the answer is no.
Meanwhile, and perhaps more significant, I wonder what effect this kind of information is going to have on the brands themselves.
Put another way: Will it make them more or less controlling of the online conversation? The cat may be out of the (Birkin) bag, but that does not mean they won’t try to stuff it back in.