Genetically modified organisms (GMO) have been linked to environmental
issues, such as increased pesticide usage, superweeds and loss of
biodiversity, and health problems like liver and kidney damage and tumor
formation. For these reasons, France has already placed multiple
temporary bans on GMO corn from being cultivated in the country.
recently took another step in protecting the health of its citizens. On
Monday, the French Senate gave final approval to a law prohibiting the
cultivation of any GMO corn. The law applies to all current GMO corn
varieties as well as any that might be approved by the European Union in
the future.
Also on Monday, France's highest court "rejected an
emergency procedure begun by French growers to annul [a] decree banning
MON810 maize," Reuters
reported. That ban was instated earlier this year to prevent farmers
from planting GMO corn before a full ban could be approved.